Sunday, March 26, 2006

Extremely unnatural I know, updating my blog twice in the same week. What can I say, I'm inspired.

No, I'm not. Just the overwhelming reluctance to do my lab reports forces me to turn my attention towards something productive. Well I try to convince myself it's productive otherwise the guilt sets in.

Anyway, I just returned home from Cherlyn and Felicia's birthday party. Thankew thankew very much you two lovely ladies, the food was delicious, got to know Benny which was a bonus. And of course, you (Cherlyn) even forgot about us but it's ok.


My first exam paper is in 19 days (woo hoo) and the last paper ends 20 days later. State of revision: deplorable. Reason: lab reports. Scientists are sadists. I'm already a sadist so will I become a scientist?


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