Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm not the first person to do this. Oh yes, it's yet another "I've finally ended my undergraduate education and it's time to begin on a brand new phase in life that does not involve studying. Hooray." blog post.

Ha ha ha. Well I am entitled to do this because I have finished my undergraduate education. Well, save for Entrepreneurship and knowing my final grades (please please please let me pass everything).


It's nice to feel un-obligated to study and if I ever need to work my brain academically, I'm gonna make sure I'm getting paid for it. Money is a good motivation for me. I wanna develop some skills other than spotting exam questions and printing Powerpoint slides 4-to-a-page, double-sided. Now I have the time (I think) to do all those things I wanted to but didn't so yeah, un-obligation suits me and I'm lovin' it.

(Every 4 hours and 59 minutes of it.)

Looking forward to meeting friends, the vacation, the cleaning (no, I actually dread that but it needs to be done), the movies, the games. I shall uphold my nickname to its fullest (save for the cleaning part) and I encourage everyone to do so too!

Oops. You all still got FYP hor.


Friday, November 16, 2007

Things to do after my exams end on 30 Nov...

... after BS402 ends on 17 Dec...

... and after I come back from Sri Lanka on 23 Dec...

1. Clean room.
a) Put away notes. For good. Muahahaha.
b) Throw away Primary and Secondary notes. See how long I've been procrastinating.
c) Repack cupboards. One for comics should be enough I think.
d) Repack wardrobe. Need more space for new clothes.

2. Sort photos.
a) The old ones. When my hair was naturally straight.
b) The Cornell ones. Should print some of them.
c) The recent ones. Should also print some of them.

3. Learn Yoga. To prove that I have a better sense of balance than Mom.

4. Learn Piano. To finally get that Grade 5 Cert to be on par with Mom.

5. Wash the car. Or maybe arrow Kor to wash the car.

6. Exercise. Aiming to be Jo's weight or lighter.

7. Learn Rollerblading. Seeking kind, patient instructor who will provide first aid kit.

8. Gloat. Heh.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

To s******v*****,

You are a coward for sending a nasty, unjustified email anonymously. If I find out who you are, I WILL slap you with a fish for wasting one hour of my time. And I WILL kick you real hard in the groin for having the audacity to assume that your personal sentiments reflect the entire cohort's feelings.

I hope you fail your exams.