Saturday, August 27, 2005

Aug 26
Second day of school.
Before that, just past midnight last night, which translates to the wee hours of this morning, Anna called. She was at Louie's Lunch having supper with Jeremy. (yes I know it sounds weird but that's their opening hours so...) Louie's Lunch is this truck that's right outside Balch. So we finally met, at the Balch archway. Finally. Anna's my dear dear fren from secondary school. She's also the main reason I chose Cornell bcos I'll get to see her so I'm really really glad I finally got to meet her. :)
Attended 3 lectures today. Figured I may not need textbooks for 2 of them. The textbook for the last one's only $27.50 so I might just get it. Proceeded to Stimson's computer lab to print notes then went back to room to wait for Anna's phonecall. Cherlyn, Denise and Jowyn went to explore the Salvation Army store and chinese supermarket near Walmart.
I was happily tapping away at my keyboard when I realised that I left my thumbdrive at the comp lab. I was at the lab at 2pm and it was 3.20pm. I decided to stay put in my room for a little while more cos i know Anna's class ends at 3.20 and sure enough, she called less than 5 mins later. I arranged to meet her at Stimson and flew down there as fast as I could and luckily my thumbdrive was still there. Phew. Everyday is an adventure for me.
We went down to Collegetown so that Anna could grab a bite. Then she invited me to her apartment at Valentine's Place. Yup it's a nice spacious place and they've got this huge TV too haha. There we chatted away the time, mostly me talking (haha what's new right? Me and my big mouth), updating her with what's happening back in Singapore. Jeremy gave me a lift back to Balch at six.
About 6.30pm, roomie called back to say they were stranded at Salvation Army. Gosh. Well ok they weren't really stranded, they've just waited a really long time for the bus and were pretty worried. I checked the bus timing for them and luckily for them, they haven't missed the last bus so they'd be coming back to hall sometime tonight. Well it turned out to be a wasted effort on my part. They missed the bus. Don't know whether to laugh or cry. But luckily they had the SOS number: the SSA president's mobile number. That really nice guy, Yuan Jun, actually drove all the way down to pick them up and send them back to hall. Really have to depend on friends when you're studying abroad. *nods head fervently*
Oh yup guess I should just clarify what subjects I'm taking:
General Microbiology Lecture and Lab
Medical Parasitology
Fundamentals of Endocrinology
Biological Statistics
Plagues and People
Dun think I'll be adding or dropping anymore subjects so this should be pretty final.

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