Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ah it's been some time since the last post, sorry about that. It's October now, the weather is still kind of fickle. Think the coldness last week might have been some remnants of the hurricane or something. This weekend was pretty cosy. Gosh I keep talking about the weather now. Reflects my boring personality. Hmm. Well anyway, here's a summary of the past few days.
After class on Friday, Cherlyn and I went to the second-hand clothes shop to pick up some warm clothing. If you don't mind wearing second-hand, then it's really a great place to shop cos there's some really nice stuff among the racks and no lack of branded goods too. Then we had mahjong again at night hee.
Saturday morning, we checked out the Ithaca Farmers' Market. They had fresh farm produce, but mostly organic, so the prices weren't very cheap. There was some interesting food there though, like Cambodian, Thai, Cuban and many more. I had a Cuban sandwich for lunch. It's some kind of bread with ham, tuna, and some yellow thing I can't identify filled in the middle. The entire thing is then grilled so the bread has a crispy outer crust. Quite tasty but full of calories. Oh well. We went to the second-hand clothes store again haha cos it was along the way back. I got a pair of second-hand Levi's for $9! Haha :) Ok it's not like extremely nice-looking but I like the colour and it's really comfortable, so yup I'm glad. Retail therapy works.
Jowyn's mom is here visiting for a week so she cooked us a delicious dinner, with bak kut teh (yummy!). Yar it has been some time since I had a meal of rice with 4 dishes so was really really very grateful for her treat. Mommy, when I return, can you please cook for me? I miss your cooking!
Then we had late night badminton. Played from 10pm to 1am in the Helen Newman Gym. I've never ever played so much badminton in my life I think, which goes to show how little I exercise. Incidentally, I just learnt that why exercise is especially important to your bones is because the stress on the bones actually help to keep bone mass and density high so there's less risk of fractures. Yup gals are more susceptible to osteoporosis so I shall try to exercise more regularly from now on. Needless to say, my body aches now la.
Sunday was shopping at the factory outlet in Waterloo. I didn't spend much actually cos we only had 3 hours or so at the outlet. And this was just a small outlet. There are the bigger ones coming up soon in my itinerary hee. Yup so do let me know if you would like anything specific, like a particular brand or something. Best if you can provide me with some details like size, colour etc. Otherwise you'll be at the mercy of my horrid fashion sense hahaha. I'm definitely going to one the coming weekend. It's my fall break and I'm travelling to Massachusetts and definitely will stop by their factory outlet so do let me know soon yar?
Then there was the Third Eye Blind concert at night which was pretty cool. Not really my type of music but the band is really impressive, especially the guitarists. The sound and lighting was fabulous too. We had late night bubble tea and spicy cajun fries after that before we headed back to bed.
Today I had an acute case of the Monday Blues. Boo hoo. Yar you guessed it, caffeine-sustenance was the key. What really woke me up was my last lesson of the day, Plagues and People. We watched a ghastly video about the Great London Plague in 1665. I was in need of fresh air after watching the show. It was a very well-made documentary, but definitely not for the squeamish. *shiver*
Yup so that sums it up so far. TCAT isn't going on strike thank goodness. All that's left now is my prelim results. Good luck to me :)

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