Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Birthday dedication: Tingfeng
Happy belated birthday! (Well technically I'm not late from the POV of my side of the globe...) Guess who reminded me? Here's a hint: I received an interesting (to say the least) video in my email this morning. Seems like you and your love are doing well *evil grin*. Be nice to Engel hor, or else... haha best wishes!
And Calamity Jing Yin strikes again! My latest escapade: Cookie-baking 101. 1.5 credits, no letter grade, only pass/fail. Ok sorry if you don't understand any of that. I was baking cookies at noon today. All was going smoothly cos, well you can't go wrong when you buy the ready mix and just add an egg and magarine right? So we put it into the oven and it's supposed to cook for 10 min. After 5 mins, smoke came out from the oven and set off the smoke detector in the kitchen. OMG. It was NOT our fault at all, it's the FREAKING OVEN!!!! That stoopid piece of scrap metal set off the smoke detector and the irritating beeping sound rang and rang and rang. We managed to find an RA who lent us a fan to blow the smoke away. So after about 10min, the ringing finally went away. At least it was only the kitchen detector that rang. It would have been worse if we set off the entire hall's fire alarm. That would have been disastrous. And no, the cookies weren't burnt. They weren't even cooked properly. Gosh that oven must be the bane of my existence.
End of rant. Thank you for reading. Be sure to tune in to the next installment of Calamity Jing Yin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, college fire alarms are always overly sensitive and college facilities always produce smoke because ang mohs either clean up only when they next need to use something, or don't clean up at all. So it wasn't your cookies that were burning (unless you'd turned the knob to like 560 Deg C), it was probably the last person's cake crumbs or something :) - Zn