Thursday, November 03, 2005

If you see me popping up online on msn, there are 4 likely reasons:
1. Penelope came alive. Mind you, this is very brief, possibly only for a day or even less.
2. I'm in the computer lab which has windows messenger.
3. I'm at the laptop rental centre in my hall.
4. My roomie is sleeping so I'm using her laptop.
From observing everyone's msn nicks, I figure that the exams are drawing near for the NTU and NUS people yar? Good luck everybody, don't give up! Oh yar and SMU person (I think tt's only you, shu) too :)
So Monday was Halloween's. There were at least 10 parties taking place around the campus on Saturday but Cherlyn and I couldn't go for any cos of our prelim on Monday. Although I only need to obtain a passing grade for all my courses here due to my status as an exchange student, Fundamentals of Endocrinology is truly one course I have to mug to pass. P-A-S-S. I'm not kidding. I was this close away from failing the first prelim. *shudder* Yup so happily mugged away the time on Sunday too. Oh yeah it was daylight savings day so I had one extra hour to mug. Ugh.
I digress. So Monday was Halloween's. My prelim was the first lesson that day and we missed the bus. Well it went right by us cos it was full. Great. Brisk walking to the other end of the campus ensued. The rest of the day went by better. We rented 2 DVDs at night to watch cos... IT'S HALLOWEEN'S! hahaha :) Tuesday was uneventful, it's Wednesday now, soon to be Thursday. Oh yes, you know that already. Next comes Friday, for your information.
Oh ignore me. I'm irrational.

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