Saturday, November 19, 2005

So the sun sets at 4.45pm nowadays. I keep thinking that it's dinner time everytime the sky turns dark. Maybe I should start thinking about my expanding waistline instead. Anyway, it's cold here. It really is. Temperatures are starting to dip below ice point. The refrigerator is probably warmer. I wore my thickest jacket to school today and I'm glad it works. It'll probably keep me nice and toasty for even lower temperatures so I should be all geared up for winter in Ithaca.
Right, I think it's still autumn here.
Yeah so anyway, I'm taking (yet another) break from cheonging homework to blog. I'm actually trying to finish homework that's due in 2 weeks because I'll be away the whole of next week for Thanksgiving break. In fact, I'm waiting for one of the assignments to be posted online so I can complete it while the library is still open. It's the biostats assignment and I need to use the software in the library to complete it. Unfortunately for me, it's still not posted. Gah. The library closes early on Fri and if he still doesn't post the assignment, I'll be in for one helluva rush to complete it when I get back from my break. Sigh. I'm not hopeful. In fact I'm hungry.
There you go. I'm constantly hungry nowadays. People, when you see me again, just wanna let you know that I know I gained weight. Yup so the constant reminders ain't very necessary, if you get what I mean.
The cold weather makes me wish I was back home in Singapore. And then I think about how warm it'll be, I get second thoughts again. Think about it: I'm used to an air-con-like atmosphere here. The heat is probably going to be nearly unbearable when I return. A whole 30 degrees change in temperature. Whoa. Not to mention the household's electricity bill will shoot up due to my excessive use of air-con. Not good, not good.
Yeah well now it's night time now. That earlier portion was by me at ard 3 or 4 in the afternoon. It's now 11, I've gotta stay awake till 3am to catch the 4am bus to NYC. Going there for the weekend. Was supposed to go last wkend but there was the football game so we pushed our plans back one week. And yes, I discovered another assignment that is due after the hols (it's a lab report this time) so I really ought to be finishing it up I guess. Here I am talking about homework and I bet some of you back in Singapore have already finished your exams. Or going to. Well good luck to those who still have papers remaining. To the rest, enjoy your hols. I'm missing Singapore. The sunny weather, food, food that will stay warm for more than 5 mins in particular, daddy, mommy, kor, friends, karaoke, manga and much more hee. Yeah if you guys are planning anything, keep me updated ok? :)

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