Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Dear blog *pat pat*, I have sorely neglected you. For that I sincerely apologise. Aww dun pout, that's so unbecoming. Behave yourself.

Right now that's done, all I have to say is:


The hols are here. It's been going alright so far, all 3 days that have just passed. El's should-have-been-a-surprise party was on Saturday and Sentosa. I must say she has a really funky family. Father offered everyone beer, mother dyed her (El I mean) hair red, brothers goaded El and JS to french, woo hoo. Then on Sunday I had a competition and won myself a $30 Takashimaya voucher so that will probably go towards a nice pair of shoes. Earlier tonight I had dinner with Jo, El and Zing. We spent most of the time thinking back of NCC days and *gasp* I realised I couldn't remember a thing about UDI camp. Safe for sewing press studs onto 5 sets of uniforms, I can't even remember which platoon I was in. I keep saying that those 4 years were the best years of my life, but on retrospect, heh, I can't remember much of it now.

Hello senility.

A bit sleepless now from all the laughing just now but I'll make up for it. It's the hols!


Anonymous said...

maybe it was the best 4 years of your life cos of the people...who were in it then and are still in it (your life) now? anyway. i think senility and nostalgia go hand in hand sometimes. heh. ps. i updated (a short one) on my blog recently

angel* said...

el has a blog? *gasp* i didn't know!! *wails*

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
