Friday, September 08, 2006

First things first: erm kor, I know I promised u the pictures. They'll come, but not so soon okie? Thanks for understanding :)

Right. On to the main topic. Which is essentially just some ramblings. Like my hair is straight now (yipee). I hope Mom knows by now that no matter what she says about liking my curly hair and natural curls being totally "in", I will rebond my hair when it's curly. Period. Twice a year I endure a one-sided conversation about the condition of my hair. Simply uplifting.

Then there's school. I dunno if it's getting more bearable or unbearable. It's sad that I have to use words like "tolerable" to describe what I feel about school. IMO, to excel in university isn't a matter of which JC or Poly one came from but more about the passion one has in his or her studies. I lack that passion. I really really admire my peers who keep up with their readings, do their tutorials seriously and source for supplementary material to study. For a person who lives a mere 20 min away from school, I think I'm awfully privileged. The scary thing is, I'm not taking advantage of it.

But that's depressing so let's not go there. There's always bliss in denial.

Had a few interesting lab sessions lately. Like the BS306 Developmental Biology lab where we observed worms copulating. That's the closest you get to pornography in lab. We had a field trip to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. No report to submit, just plain walking and enjoying the scenery. Just like primary school, those sweet, lovely childhood days. Just yesterday was the BS309 Genetics lab and I learnt that rebonded hair cannot be PCRed. And dyed hair too. Since most girls and guys nowadays have chemically treated hair, I wonder how that will affect the data collection and determination of the genotypic and alleleic frequency. Hmmm.

My account balance is finally looking a little better. Soon, I'll be able to splurge a little on clothing, shoes and accessories yay. So that's something to look forward to :)


Jingyang said...

hello sis... good for you tt u rebonded your hair, take care of it arh. rebond till nice nice liao nvr take care of it then u will still end up with the same auntie look right? :P hee. jia you la. remember you wanna be filthy rich such that not one strand of ur curly hair will get a peek of sunlight? hee. yea n get rich so i can be your parasite. :P gambate wor... i miss you all lots.

shun said...

no wonder so many "ah bengs" die their hair...