Friday, November 11, 2005

Whoopee! It snowed! Actually, I first experienced snow here in Cornell a few weeks ago. One of those blistery cold nights when Cherlyn and I went over to HILC for some activities, we saw those little specks of things floating around. Today it snowed when there was still light. This time, the specks were a little bigger. It didn't last long and it wasn't heavy enough to leave a layer on the ground but the fact that it did happened is really quite exciting to a mountain turtle so do forgive me for making such a big fuss hee.
And I formally bid farewell to the nice warm weather of 15 degrees celsius and above. I don't think it will come back while I'm still here. Lately, the wind has been very strong. In fact, on Makanmania afternoon, there was a mini-whirlwind right outside my window. I was trying to nap at about 4pm that afternoon when I heard this whirring sound. When Cherlyn and I drew the curtains to take a look at what's outside, we were quite surprised to see that the sky was dark already, much like the 7.30pm sky in Singapore. The really shocking thing was to see the trees swaying in the wind and the fallen leaves on the ground being blown up really really high, higher than our window at the second floor. And of course the howling of the wind and lightning that streaked across the sky added to the general mood of cold, windy and colder. So that's the marvellous Ithaca weather for you. At least it snowed. Now let there be enough snow for a snowball fight. That would be heavenly.

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