Saturday, May 13, 2006

Like many other people in Singapore, I am hooked on Da Chang Jin.

There, I've said it. So having said that, I shall go on to talk a little about Da Chang Jin. The plot is full of twists and turns, I love watching how they cook the food and Chang Jin's foster parents are absolutely hilarious. My parents and I stayed up till 2am watching Da Chang Jin last night, and I think it was about 1 am when I had an epiphany about Chang Jin.

You know what I think? I think Chang Jin is very much like a cockroach. I don't mean this comment to be derogatory though cos I was reminded of something I came across in a book when I was young. Apparently, cockroaches have existed since prehistoric times and somehow survived the Ice Age too. So like cockroaches, Chang Jin really knows how to survive through tough times. And everytime I see Lady Cui's face when her scheme is thwarted, I bet she's thinking, "Ooh that Chang Jin's as hard to kill as cockroaches..."

According to my mom, Chang Jin has a paragraph of 25 words long in history books. In a patriarchal society such as Korea in the old times (and many other Asian societies of the past), that is probably a great feat. So whether the drama is historically accurate or not, it is a great source of entertainment and I will continue to watch it and keep myself nicely amused for the next 3 months :)

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