I didn't think I'd feel this sad when Kor left but *sigh*, I'm feeling quite sad. Missing his presence already cos he's like kinda big. Sigh. House feels empty without him. Can't quite figure out why I'm feeling like that this time round. Afterall when he went for NS, I just thought: whee! the whole comp to myself! When he first left for Perth, I thought: good that he's back to studying, looking forward to his convocation so I get a free vacation!
And now I feel sad. Gosh I must be emotionally-retarded.
Anyway today was probably the worst day of the week (including the days to come, though I shouldn't speak too soon). So many things happened at the same time.
1. CV4202 tutorial vs Lan Pei's bday celebration. Well ok I sort of didn't know that my dear partner's celebration was during that time but I should have guessed. So erm yar missed the celebration. Sigh.
2. Lab vs Lunchtime concert. I feel really bad about this one. Missed QQ's performance!!! Argh! QQ, I promise I'll be standing right in front for your March performance cheering you on. Promise!
3. Training vs sending Kor to airport. Logically I should have trained cos sending Kor to Changi is just literally sending him there, waving goodbye and going home. Nothing special about that. Training, on the other hand, is quite impt. Esp when competition is right around the corner and I haven't handled my pistol for 3 months. Of course I chose the illogical option.
It's on days like these when the cliche phrases really make sense. Phrase of the day: It never rains but it pours.