Friday, April 04, 2008

Sorry to have disappeared for more than a month. Work just overtook me, shoved me facedown into the muddy ground and jumped on my back a couple of times for good measure.

No la, it wasn't that bad. (Shouldn't scare the population of readers who are still in school hahaha.) Several highlights of my social life in the months that passed were:

Settlers' (or Settler's?) with colleagues sometime late-Feb. I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. I also accumulated more nicknames. Sigh. I dunno what I do honestly, but they just keep coming! Why?!

Mind's Cafe (or Minds'? heh I can never remember) with dear Priya, Engel, Angeline and Qiaohui. Another very enjoyable session and some very happy news too :) hee.

My birthday!!! I was very very immensely touched by the surprise bday cake and presents from my colleagues. Domo arigato gozaimasuta minna-san! Now we have adorable moo-san and meh-san to comfort us in times of contamination, broken tubings, overfed batches and unsolvable problem sets :)

Met up with Pavaani and the rest of the nuts which was great and thankew so much for the lovely purple cardigan.

Dinner and movie with pltmates. Thankew very much for the handy pouch and concealer to cover my leopard spots. I'm making good use of them.

Dinner with some Stongers. Wow. Yeah wow. It was two years ago when I went up Stong and haven't really kept in contact with them besides Ke Rui whom I see in school and Yali cos we've known each other for so long. So it's really great to see them both and Keshia again. Ah those fond memories... brushing teeth at the top of a waterfall is truly a novel experience y'know... heh.

I have plenty of photos but none taken by me haha. Shall upload some soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey gal! dropped by to say hi... interestin space suits!
well, see u all soon if time permits :) take care!!!!!